Delivery scanning Advantages:
  1. Real-time data connection with the company network via WLAN/UMTS

  2. Subsequent synchronization of newly added delivery bills

  3. Additional features through mobile photo and damage documentation

  4. Error reduction and time savings through elimination of paper-based processes (digitization, sustainability)

  5. Refusal to accept entire delivery bills or individual packages

  6. Mobile order and tour overview on the MDE device

  7. Evaluation options at tour, delivery bill or package level

  8. Visual markings of the packages for the drivers (green=ready, red=unready, etc.)

  9. Increased security through digital signature capture

  10. Increase in process transparency

  11. Separate MDE modules for delivery and loading

  12. Simple connection to higher-level IT systems (ERP, WMS, LVS)

Delivery scanning extension options :
  1. Company logo in signature field

  2. Extension options for further industry-specific or cross-industry COSYS MDE modules such as picking, dispatch completion notification, returns, self-collection and online order Customer order from the areas of transport, delivery, warehouse and mobile sales.

  3. Customization options of the COSYS software modules