Article information module
COSYS software is modular by default to always put the right module in your hand.
If you want to have information about an item, you can open the corresponding item information module and start right away.
Rapidly changing product ranges and the resulting increase in logistics costs, as well as employee knowledge, represent a major challenge in the retail sector. It remains important to provide sales staff with the most important product information in order to enable targeted sales; this is possible with the right product information management.
Employees often run through stores with catalogs to answer customers´ questions and provide information. With the COSYS solution for article / product information, the days of paper-based processes are a thing of the past!
When the article barcode is scanned, the article name, the packaging unit and the price are displayed. If an action is currently taking place, this can also be communicated via fields and displayed on the MDE; in addition, further information and links, for example to explanatory pages, can be stored. This enables the employee to meet the customer´s requirements.
Furthermore, some of the COSYS customers also rely on an inventory information, which displays the available stock in the store / store. This way, the stock and items in order can also be displayed and information can be given to the customer.
But what if the barcode is not read or there is no barcode on the article? COSYS offers solutions for this case as well. For example, you can filter by product group or by item name and still find the right item.
The article or product information has established itself as a standard module in all COSYS store solutions, as it reliably supports employees via the easy-to-use interface.
Alternatively search by category or name
Articles can be called up by EAN or article code scan
Store stock is displayed
Article text consisting of article name and price is displayed
Interfaces to all common or industry-specific ERP systems / enterprise resource planning systems
Article information always and at any time retrievable
Quick familiar layout
Assists in building customer relationships
Digitization of the article information
Applicable worldwide
Master data management in the backend