Retail Software
It is hard to imagine many areas today without smartphones and computers. More and more technology is being networked with each other. Data that was previously unused helps you not only to future-proof your company, but also to save valuable time in everyday life and to speed up your business processes.Retail Backend and Mobile Modules
In retail, everything revolves around serving and advising the customer as well as possible. It is important to always have the most popular goods in stock. Price, availability and satisfaction are increasingly crucial to the success or loss of retailers. Without modern technology and software for internal and external logistics, many retailers would have to go out of business. In modern times, it´s adapt or die.
To keep up with your competition and stay one step ahead, you need COSYS software. This software is designed and developed by COSYS precisely for the retail sector. There are several solutions for retail that can be tailored to you depending on your requirements. COSYS offers the Retail Management and POS solution for normal goods and goods with MHD.
Retail warehouse management
An important part of retail is the warehouse. With its in-house warehouse management software, COSYS also offers powerful logistics software for your warehouse in addition to the retail solutions. In the warehouse, just like the retail solution, MDE devices are also used to equip your warehouse staff. Wherever warehouse management is used, barcodes, delivery bills and 1D/2D codes are scanned with the MDE devices to digitally track exactly where which item remains, in which quantity and in which warehouse.
Retail Management Software
COSYS Retail Management is a cornerstone of COSYS software solutions for the retail industry. The Retail Management solution includes everything needed for modern retail software. The software covers all areas that are essential for daily business. It includes warehouse management with goods receipt and control of deliveries and MHD tracking of perishable goods. The solution also enables stock checks and stock corrections. You can also create more orders on the sales floor with COSYS Retail Management. You can quickly renew the labels of your items and change prices via the software.
Inventory can be a big task in operations. Often there is only enough time for the inventory once a year, but chaos and counting errors can cause the inventory to drag on unintentionally. An inventory with COSYS will be comparatively faster, more efficient and without counting errors, because instead of paper and pencil you record your inventory with the COSYS inventory software and MDE devices. The software is simple and easy to understand and can be used quickly even by non-experts. The COSYS Inventorysoftware has proven itself through its functionality and through its user-friendliness. Thanks to data collection by MDE devices, you not only avoid counting errors, but also speed up the entire inventory process. Via an interface from the COSYS Cloud, your inventory data is exported to your ERP system after the inventory. This means you no longer have to manually transfer all paper lists to your ERP system.
Label printing
The modules of the COSYS retail software solutions also include the price labeling and price change modules. With these modules, new labels can be printed quickly via a mobile or stationary label printinger. All that is required is to scan the item barcode with an MDE device, select the quantity of labels and specify a new price for the price change.
The label printers and labels that you use with this module can also be found in the COSYS hardware range. We offer a wide range of label printers from manufacturers such as Zebra, Honeywell, Carl Valentin, TSC and CAB. Among the most popular label printers are the stationary Zebra printers ZT411, ZD21 and the mobile printer ZQ630. For these and other printers, COSYS naturally offers professional hardware support. Our technical experts have more than 2 decades of experience in repairing and maintaining your label printers and will repair your label printers quickly and professionally.
Difference modules and complete solutions
The COSYS complete solutions map all areas of your retail business. In the complete solutions, the individual modules, e.g. goods receipt or stock inquiry, are subdivided as software modules. These modules can be put together according to your wishes and adapted to your company, so that you receive a perfectly coordinated solution. Due to the modular structure, you can also add, change or remove software modules to your solution at a later date, just as you need the COSYS software at the moment. This means that you are always in a position to map your company accurately, even in times of change.
Mobile Software Modules Retail
The software modules of the COSYS retail solutions are operated and used via MDE devices. MDE devices are mobile computers and resemble the modern smartphone, but are more robust and equipped with an integrated 1D/2D scanner. Barcodes can be scanned quickly and reliably via this scanner. The software modules for the MDE devices are clearly structured and easy to understand by COSYS. You save long familiarization phases and costly training due to the user-friendly structure of the COSYS retail software and software modules. The COSYS software is also available for normal smartphones. Here, instead of an integrated scanner, the smartphone camera with COSYS Performance Scanning Software is used to read barcodes and operate the COSYS retail solution.
Backend modules retail
The basis for the COSYS software solutions is the backend, where your data is securely stored and processed. The backend is hosted by COSYS in the cloud and is always available for you. Alternatively, the backend can also be set up locally at your site. You access your data via your browser with the COSYS WebDesk. The WebDesk is structured like the desktop of a normal PC. The views and sorting of your data in the COSYS WebDesk can be customized to your preferences, just like the software and modules. In addition to the extensive search function, columns can be moved, scaled, added and hidden. Item and master data are imported directly from your ERP system into your COSYS solution for your retail solution. This is done via an interface between COSYS and your ERP system, which also transfers e.g. price data from the price change or inventory stock to your ERP system. The modules on the WebDesk mirror the modules of the same name in the mobile app and contain all data entered in the module.
Inventory requests and inventory changes easy to perform
Control and tracking of best before dates
Conduct surveys, e.g. for popular products
Reprint and change price tags and labels
Inspection of goods receipt on the basis of order data
No delays in goods receipt
Always available cloud data storage
User-friendly app and software
Implement discounts and price changes quickly and stress-free with labels
Price labeling, inventory inquiry and reordering possible via WLAN
Always keep track of the MHD data
Software modules
Through know-how from many projects with our customers and from decades of experience with logistics software, COSYS offers you exactly the right functions and modules to map all your processes in retail. From goods receipt and MHD control to price labeling and customer advice, you can manage all tasks with the COSYS software faster, easier and traceable through the digital software and mobile data capture.
ERP interfaces
All COSYS solutions can be seamlessly linked to your existing ERP system. Via this interface, data about stocks, prices and articles are exchanged between the COSYS software solution and your ERP system. This means that you always have an overview of the current situation in your stores, regardless of which system you use. When you perform your inventory with COSYS, your inventory data is also imported directly into your ERP system via this interface.
Some of the most popular interfaces of retail solutions are:
FAQs Retail Software
With COSYS software solutions, you can accelerate your business processes while creating a better overview of your company through mobile data capture and digital technology.
With the COSYS software solution for retail, monitoring incoming goods is child´s play. Thanks to mobile data capture, you can immediately see whether goods are missing or have already been delivered.
But of course, the COSYS Retail Management and POS solutions. Through COSYS software, you speed up everyday tasks and regain an overview of your operation.
Sure, with the COSYS solution offer for software! At COSYS you will find MDE software with many functions for retail and warehouse management.
You would like to learn more about the COSYS solution spectrum and would like a presentation? Then contact us now for a detailed presentation!
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