Scope of services Third Level Support

The scope of services provided by COSYS Third Level Support is possible as follows:

  • The acceptance of faults by COSYS takes place during the agreed service times and is part of the service agreement for the software hosting, as is any support that may be required.

  • The provision of German-speaking or optionally English-speaking service specialists with state-of-the-art and appropriate product- and system-specific knowledge within the agreed service times.

  • Hotline support (questions about the operation of the system).

  • COSYS keeps the MDE software ready for operation in the version that is also currently operated on servers and MDE devices of the customer.

  • Response time and fault elimination at times agreed for fault classes / service levels.

  • Deploying patches, workarounds, updates, upgrades and getting them into the system.

  • Diagnosis of hardware faults i.e. fault localization and description, if necessary also via remote access

  • The diagnosis of hardware faults is carried out by COSYS within the scope of this service contract for all hardware used - also in the future.

  • For support requests, please have the serial number of the corresponding device available for hardware issues.

  • Remote diagnosis and correction of software malfunctions via remote access, if technically possible.

    • Introduction of the necessary software updates in coordination with the customer

  • Troubleshoot and resolve incidents that cannot be resolved by customer second level support.

    • Error analysis and troubleshooting for incidents that cannot be resolved by the customer´s first or second level support as agreed.

  • Functional/safety checks after completion of maintenance work