Goods receipt overview
All goods receipt orders are displayed clearly in a list. After entering the order, all positions are displayed.
There are many challenges for manufacturers and wholesalers in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition to the high competitive pressure, many legal principles must also be observed. Furthermore, the companies strive to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.
Above all, the legal foundations often represent a high hurdle. The products must be checked regularly and traceability must be in place. For this purpose, the products are provided with barcodes that are recorded at all points in the value chain. During manufacturing, the markings are applied and at all further stages of the product it is recorded. A software solution is ideal for mastering this step.
The software from COSYS already supports many customers from the pharmaceutical and chemical industry in their daily processes. It can help and support in all processes along the supply chain.
The software speeds up work steps and eliminates errors, allowing you to increase customer satisfaction and reduce costs.
The COSYS software solution consists of two components. On the one hand, an app is used for mobile data collection, which is operated on an MDE device, smartphone or tablet. On the other hand, the backend - the COSYS WebDesk, an interface that can be called up via the browser and can display the recorded data. In addition, the administration and master data management can be carried out there.
COSYS software is modular and can be adapted to customer requirements at will. The modules can be extended at any time. They are available in a basic form, which can then be perfectly adapted to your work processes by incorporating your wishes.
The backend is installed locally on premise or in the cloud. The cloud can be operated by the customer or by COSYS.
A connection to an ERP system can be created without any problems. Alternatively, the solution can also be operated as a stand-alone solution. An interface to other databases, such as the European database for medical devices (EUDAMED), is also possible.
COSYS also supports you in selecting the right hardware. In addition, a large after-sales service is offered, such as maintenance contracts, support and repair, so that you can also be well looked after after the introduction of the software.
Traceability is an important component in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. It must always be possible to trace which batch was processed in a product. Or where a product is located.
Traceability can ensure the path of a medicine or medical device. During production, the producer applies a barcode to the product. The product is recorded in the further supply chain at each participant in the supply chain. In this way, it is possible to determine where a product is at any time. This is of enormous importance, especially in the case of product recalls.
Traceability can ensure the path of a medicine or medical device. During production, the producer applies a barcode to the product. The product is recorded in the further supply chain at each participant in the supply chain. In this way, it is possible to determine where a product is at any time. This is of enormous importance, especially in the case of product recalls.
The best-before date also plays a major role in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. An overview of the best before dates must be maintained at all times to ensure that no expired articles leave the warehouse. In addition, it is possible to react in time and articles with a short best-before date can be sold cheaply via promotions. COSYS MHD control supports you in these steps.
The best before dates can easily be recorded in the goods receipt or the storage. Often MHDs are in barcodes, which the COSYS system can split. In this way, the best before date is easily recorded. The recorded data can now be viewed by all employees. The employees can be informed in time before an item is
and necessary follow-up processes can be initiated. These processes can be, for example, price reduction or loss markdowns, which can also be mapped via the COSYS software.
This also ensures complete traceability here.
The warehouse is the most important place for many companies. This is where all the goods are handled and shipped to customers. The processes have to be fast and flawless to keep the customers happy.
All companies have different sized warehouses and warehouse strategies. Through years of experience, COSYS has gotten to know very many warehouses and has introduced mobile solution for them.
COSYS Inventory Management is particularly well suited for small warehouses. With COSYS Inventory Management, items can be quickly stored and retrieved. The inventory management is available as a free trial version in the Google Play Store. Feel free to test the version and get to know the easy and clear operability of the COSYS apps.
The warehouse software for small companies is suitable for medium-sized warehouses. With this software solution, items can be booked in via the goods receipt. The articles can be entered freely or order-related. In the goods receipt, the best before date and batch can also be entered directly for articles. The articles can be brought directly on a storage place or be booked on a goods receipt place. During picking, orders can be read in from the ERP system or created via the WebDesk. In addition, items can be easily transferred to another storage bin through stock transfer. The software from COSYS supports fixed bin systems and free bin systems (chaotic warehousing). The system guides users to the correct storage bins in a route-optimized manner.
But the warehouse management software from COSYS offers much more. All steps in the warehouse can be mapped. In pharmaceutical wholesale there are many returns. With the COSYS returns module, these can be quickly re-entered into the system. The recorded data can be transferred to the ERP system. But also dispatch completion messages or production withdrawals can be mapped without any problems.
During the introduction, the modular structure of the software offers a great advantage. For example, you can start with one or two modules. In this way, employees do not have to change their usual process flow immediately, but are slowly accustomed to the new solution. Experience shows that employees are very receptive to a digital solution. Thanks to the ease of use and the daily handling of a smartphone, employees quickly become familiar with the system.
Unlike many other wholesalers, many pharmaceutical wholesalers supply their customers themselves. These customers include, for example, pharmacies or doctors´ offices.
At the beginning of a tour, the driver can display all delivery bills for his tour by scanning the tour number. The tours are sorted in an overview according to the optimal delivery sequence. The driver can also display further details here.
After the driver has recorded his tour in the device, the vehicle can be loaded. The loading is optimally sorted according to the delivery sequence so that the driver can perfectly load his vehicle. During loading, the articles are again counter-scanned and automatically compared with the delivery bill. In case of damage during loading or delivery, the driver can record damage with the COSYS damage documentation.
As soon as the driver arrives at the customer, he enters the delivery module. Here he selects the customer and sees all the items to be unloaded. The items can be optimally counter-scanned again. The customer can sign on the MDE device after unloading. In the case of a parking permit, the driver can also park the goods at the agreed location and document the correct provision with a photo.
Inventory is an unpleasant compulsory task for many companies. The inventory costs a lot of time and ties up a large part of the employees, especially if the inventory is carried out with pen and paper.
The whole thing can be very simple with the COSYS inventory software. During the inventory, the counting place, the quantity and the article are recorded. The employee is clearly identified by his user name or uses a counter ID. All recorded data is documented without gaps, so that an auditor can have no objections.
The inventory solution from COSYS can be downloaded and tested free of charge in the Google Play Store. This way, everyone can get an overview and carry out a test inventory. In this way, the great advantage of a digital solution becomes clear.
Many employees are involved in the count, so that no additional devices have to be purchased for the inventory, COSYS offers a large rental pool of all possible devices. Thus, additional devices can be rented for the inventory period without any problems. The technicians already record the devices with your COSYS inventory software, so that the devices are immediately ready for use.
The recorded data is saved in the COSYS backend and can be viewed and edited there. A smooth transfer to the leading ERP system is also possible.
Quality management provides feedback on the condition of the goods
Scanning of article codes is done with the help of smartphones, MDE devices or handheld scanners
Digital mapping of processes along the entire pharmaceutical industry / pharmaceutical wholesale supply chain
Recording of warehousing processes (e.g. goods receipt, stock transfer, picking, etc.)
If an internet connection is available, there is a real-time data exchange with the back-end
Traceability is ensured by article code scan in individual work steps
Interfaces to all common and industry-specific ERP systems possible
Modular software promotes uncomplicated application
Time and cost savings thanks to transparent and traceable business processes
Digitization of business processes in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry / pharmaceutical wholesaling
User-friendly layout ensures quick familiarity with the software
Platform independent use
Customized software modules map customer-specific processes
Traceability of the flow of goods is ensured
COSYS offers a wide range of complete solutions consisting of software, hardware and associated services for companies in the pharmaceutical industry / pharmaceutical wholesale. The wide range of software modules enables the digital mapping and transparent design of various work steps along the flow of goods.
The COSYS own back-end, the COSYS WebDesk, is available to the user at any time for administration or post-processing of the data. The regular recording of the article codes within the individual work steps enables a complete traceability of the goods movement.
Warehouse Management Software
Batch management
Inventory / Inventory
Warehouse picking
MHD control
Complaint management
Transportation Management
Transport planning
Loading equipment management
Fleet Management
Shipping software
You can get a first overview of free trial versions in the Google Playstore. If you search for COSYS you will find many trial versions, such as the inventory management or inventory solution. Alternatively, we will be happy to arrange presentation appointments with you and show you the software in a WebMeeting.
The COSYS mobile app runs on MDE devices, smartphones and tablets. Android and iOS are suitable as operating systems: Windows solutions would also be possible, but we advise the future-proof variant and recommend Android or iOS. The backend runs on a local server or a cloud. We will be happy to send you the minimum requirements on request.
We are very pleased with your interest in our software, we will be happy to discuss everything with you in a personal meeting. For this purpose you can call us or send us an inquiry. Our responsible sales representatives will gladly take care of your request. In a first meeting we will clarify the requirements, then we can present the software to you in a second meeting if you wish and submit a budget offer.
Contact us today to help you digitize your processes. As you can see, our software is very versatile and we are happy to advise you!
COSYS Lebensmittelhandel Branche
COSYS Parfümerie / Beauty Branche
COSYS Tabak Branche
COSYS Blumengroßhandel / Blumengeschäft Branche
COSYS Convenience Store Branche
COSYS Sanitärgroßhandel / Baustoffhandel Branche
COSYS Technischer Handel Branche
COSYS Schiffbau und Werften Branche
COSYS Speditionen / Paket Dienste Branche
COSYS Versandhandel Branche
COSYS Automobilindustrie Branche
COSYS Automobilzulieferer Branche
COSYS Elektroindustrie Branche
COSYS Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Branche
COSYS Pharmaindustrie / Pharmagroßhandel Branche
COSYS Baumärkte / Baufachhandel Branchen
COSYS Spielwaren Großhandel / Spielwarengeschäft Branche
COSYS Leder & Schuh Branche
COSYS Schraubenhandel / Schraubenhersteller Branche
COSYS Textilgroßhandel und Einzelhandel Branche
COSYS Logistik- und Postunternehmen Branche
COSYS Messen Branche
COSYS Flughäfen Branche
COSYS Schienenfahrzeuge Branche
COSYS Kliniken Branche
COSYS Behörden Branche