For over 35 years, innovative technology and software solutions (complete systems) for Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) Hardware / Barcode Scanner / COSYS Mobility Software / COSYS Supply Chain Software and Services.

COSYS Ident GmbH is one of the leading system houses for mobile data capture and barcode identification (AIDC - Automatic Identification and Data Capture).
COSYS captures and processes barcode and datamatrix codes in business processes and supply chain management processes with own COSYS software in mobile apps and backend software and transfers the data to customer databases and ERP systems.
Manufacturing Execution System Solution
Transport Management System Solution
Warehouse Management System Solution
Retail Management Solution
Mobile Sales Solution
Food trade industry
Perfumery / Beauty
Tobacco industry
Flower Wholesale / Flower Shop Branch
Convenience Store (General Store) Industry
Wholesale plumbing supplies / building materials trade Branch
Technical trade industry
Shipbuilding and shipyards industry
Forwarding agencies / parcel services industry
Mail order industry
Automotive industry
Automotive supplier
Electrical industry branch
Mechanical and plant engineering
Pharmaceutical industry / pharmaceutical wholesale industry
Building markets / building trade
Toys wholesale / toy store retail industry
Leather & Shoe wholesale and retail industry
Screw trade / screw manufacturer industry
Textile wholesale and retail industry
On Android, IOS and Windows operating systems run countless apps and software modules,which can be configured and combined to customer solutions arbitrarily modular.
For COSYS Cloud solutions COSYS takes over the application hosting, the application management and the support / service completely.
High data volume, with fast processing from many data sources are merged, refined and evaluated in the COSYS Webdesk and with dashboards and graphics we show your process improvement potential.
Individual, for a certain customer manufactured application software, both in small and mostly in large customer applications on the basis of established COSYS standards and technologies are for many years a success guarantor.
Not only SAP, Microsoft NAV / AX /365, Sage, but just the breadth of the many industry-specific ERP systems to COSYS software can connect, generates great growth for COSYS.
Convince yourself of the quality and strength of the COSYS Apps in the AppStore and Playstore live and as a free test version.
COSYS is an inventory professional! Any kind of software on mobile devices, evaluation software in the backend, rental devices as smartphones or classic MDE devices are available for continuous or one-time inventory.
Many devices, many apps and constant changes of your system: SOTI and other device management systems help you to manage the changes efficiently.
Software support and service for second and third level, application hosting in the cloud to service for hardware. COSYS delivers the after sales carefree package.
COSYS has a wide range of repair and maintenance capabilities. COSYS repairs many types of devices no matter from which manufacturer it is, and whether it is an old or new device.
For more than 30 years COSYS is the partner around barcode capture and mobile data capture. COSYS knows MDE devices, hand scanners and printers like no other. An own technical department can quickly repair devices and support in case of problems. COSYS can capacitively roll out and implement MDE devices from one device up to several thousand devices. You want to borrow MDE devices on short notice? COSYS has a several thousand units strong device pool!
More and more barcode scanning is done with cell phones and professional barcode performance scanning software + COSYS software.The market is growing rapidly and the technology is getting better and better and is already high performance and mature.