COSYS Inhouse Logistics Package Management Software
COSYS in-house parcel management software ensures fast and transparent parcel distribution and shipment tracking within the company.Inhouse Logistics Parcel Management | Mobile Data Capture for Internal Parcel and In-House Mail Distribution
In companies with in-house logistics, such as public authorities and institutes, many central receiving offices struggle daily with large mountains of letters and parcels in in-house logistics that are difficult to manage. To prevent these mountains of parcels from becoming a challenge in everyday life, COSYS offers you an ideal complete solution with Parcel Management Inhouse. COSYS Parcel Management Inhouse supports you in your in-house logistics and in-house mail distribution by better structuring parcel deliveries and outbound deliveries.
Due to the innovative COSYS package software as well as the associated modernMDE devices the in-house logistics/house mail distribution solution ensures organized and structured parcel distribution within companies, institutions or authorities. MDE devices with integrated barcode scanners automate all in-house processes and work steps - starting from parcel delivery and parcel acceptance to parcel pickup or provision for internal parcel delivery and distribution to the recipient. Already at the incoming goods stage, COSYS Inhouse Logistics Solution ensures more clarity by clearly sorting shipments.
These functions enable simple sorting, making it easier for employees to pick up and deliver parcels that have been made available. Barcode scanning is used to quickly and easily assign all shipments to the appropriate recipients, sorted by company division and department.Already during the recording of parcels at the reception, the recipient / employee in the company is notified via the COSYS software by email or Whatsapp message about the status of his shipment (e.g. in the form of a pickup request or status information).
All parcels recorded by mailroom employees are stored with all information in a central database and can be accessed at any time and from anywhere in theCOSYS WebDesk view. The COSYS WebDesk is a web-based platform with a graphical user interface for data management and data processing that can be easily accessed via an Internet browser. In addition to graphical dashboards for tracking each individual package or letter, the COSYS WebDesk also provides an accurate tracking history, as well as a tabular overview of all shipments and their status.
The COSYS Parcel Management Inhouse allows you a fast in-house parcel distribution with a simplified pickup or internal delivery of the parcels. When picking up or delivering the parcels / consignments, the employee is identified with the help of barcode scanning via a MDE device or aCamera scannable smartphone and confirms receipt of his or her parcel by means of his or her signature and name in clear script. For the pickup or onward transport of shipments to the respective company area, all data relevant for the delivery (e.g. package and shipment number, sender, recipient, tour, room number and department affiliation) are output by the COSYS software at lightning speed to ensure smooth loading and the subsequent delivery.

all packages for delivery directly mobile on the MDE device
Overview of all package data in COSYS WebDesk
Signature capture
specific adaptation possibilities of the COSYS software to the individual customer process
COSYS Inhouse Logistics Package Management WebDesk
All captured data is transferred to the COSYS Backend. The COSYS Backend includes the COSYS WebDesk. The COSYS WebDesk is your central control element in the form of a web-based administration and post-processing software.
All master and transaction data can be clearly viewed and managed in the COSYS WebDesk.
This gives you the option of viewing the status and shipment history of individual packages or searching for specific packages at any time. Captured photos and employee signatures are also displayed.
Versatile evaluations and the printing of shipment reports are also possible thanks to COSYS WebDesk.
In addition to stand-alone operation, COSYS offers flexible connection options and interfaces of the COSYS backend to other systems.
The COSYS backend can either be hosted as a SaaS solution in the cloud or installed on-premise.
Modules of the COSYS WebDesk at a glance:
- Administration, for the management of users, roles, rights and clients
- Master data, for example, for employees, CEP services, package sizes, senders, etc.
- Parcel management, for an overview of all registered parcels and shipments with current status and shipment details (including filter functions and report printing)